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what is good time management? AND how to implement it?

how to use your 24 hours effectively how to change your habits

time management...

who don't want to succeed in his life..??? no one, but why everyone don't get what they want in their life. its really big thing to be concerned... one of the main reason why people don't achieve their goals is not to have a good time management.

what is a good time management?? ask yourself

good time management is always about keeping a balance between your professional and personal life.

well,we're consistently failing to fit into a routine...maybe since our school days. 90% of the population is suffering from this. once warren buffett says in a interview " its not about to be busy all the day.its about to do 24hours workweed in four hours maybe." 

Stephen R. covey explained in his one of the most selling book the 7 habits of a highly effective peopleIn  the first habit he explained that first things came first... you have to find your prioritize write it down. start giving quality time to your priorities which will drive you to you goals. you must read that book once in your lifetime.

what we often do is we waste our whole day in random things like scrolling on insta,fb, twitter,linkedin,youtube and many other social media platforms.even we can learn from them. with the first awake in morning we randomly check our phone and after a while what we observe is I've wasted 2 hours and it passes away like 2 minute.

suppose what if such a habit will develop for your goals,your priorities. it will be nothing less than a miracle. the main reason why don't we do what we needed to do is because its boring AF yeah its true, boring activities will drive you to your success.
even when you passion is your profession. you won't enjoy everything. we often go for the name and fame related to our passion. first figure out those boring things which will lead you to success, create short term goals or process goals for your long term success.

 Now the problem is we set some goals 
If its long term goal so you will be demotivated after a while. so what is that thing that will drive you for 5 years ,10 years to achieve your long term goal??? 
that is short term goal
 all of us want appraisal immediately which you'll get by achieving your short term goals. 
if you're from corporates remember when you went for your job interview and your interviewer asked you where you see yourself in nest 5 years or 10 years??? you'd replied I'll be CEO of this company 
 and now.... you are frustrated from this job you do even want to quit it in 2 years. this is the main problem, if you're ambitious to be a CEO then you can't work keeping in your mind of being a CEO 
because this mind set cant let you be in present and focus on your work it'll frustrate you only. yeah, you should a short term goal to be promoted a step by step and  focus on nest step  and you'll be derived there.

this is how it works in life also,decide your daily actions according to your short term goals keeping your long term goals in mind.
 so, from tomorrow when you'll awake ask yourself what I'm going to do today which will add up to my short term goal which will eventually add up to long term goal. make a list of Doe's.
 you will be distracted sometime its human nature. it's OK to be distracted but make sure you get rid out of it as quick as you can. this will not only help you to to be successful in your life only even in keeping your relationships healthy. if you'll create doe's of the day then you'll realize how much time you have which was unrecognizable or unused  and you can use those time for your family or partner.  for me always the real and good time management is about having a good balance between your personal and professional life. If you'll have clears Doe's for your professional goals then you'll find enough time to spent with your partner or family.

 Ronnie screwwala(UTV founder) said in his biography "dream with your eye open"before starting any work ask a question to yourself  is it going to contribute to achieve my goals and answer it honestly and if the answer is no.. then start counting from  10,9,8,7... and if you stoped doing that work with the count of 10 means you're one step closer to you goal. 

hope this will help you guys to use your 24*7 as if you are going to be the revolutionary entrepreneur of the 21st century

If you'll implement this time management skills into your life. I'm quiet sure you'll defenately going to have a good time management skills